How's everybody feeling? Are people still engaged? With artificial intelligence we can now know in real-time how your people are feeling and identify the spots were action is required to prevent problems.
The Challenge
For a long time now, working at home was a "thing" that we all saw that it was coming, but our management systems were just not attuned to it yet. Suddenly, a large part of our workforce is sitting at home. This raises questions, like: do they feel connected? Under these challenging circumstances, how are they holding up? How engaged are they with their work? Questions that are not easy to answer having your team on premise, let alone having them sitting at home behind video cameras.
Our Solution
To being able to offer the leading technology and one of the most innovative solution currently in this field, we partnered with KeenCorp, a data-analytics firm. They have developed an AI software solution that measures variations in group tension and personal involvement, resulting in the Engagement Index. You can see it as an early warning system, informing you when the mood is shifting within the groups that are being monitored. This can trigger different kind of interventions to prevent further decline.
As the HR Examiner in their 2020 Watchlist concluded:
"KeenCorp is one of the first to market with a tool that allows
management to discover potential problems in advance."
How does it work?
The implementation typically takes one month and consists of four steps:
Cluster members of the organisation groups.
Pilot with a vulnerability scan with retrospective analysis. This analysis looks back two years and establishes the baseline for the real-time measurements after going life.
Fully supported Technical Installation.
Go Life, starting real-time measurement of all clustered groups.
What benefits will measuring engagement bring to your organisation?
Employees are the most important asset
What gets measured, gets done
Future risks are identified early
Timely, reliable and simple
Employee privacy and confidentiality are 100% protected
Employees are 3 times more valuable than physical assets. Looking after them reaps rewards in productivity, less absenteeism, retention, onboarding value.
Your "people assets" can now be included in regular management discussions. Your assets are managed like and in the same rhythm as other business KPIs.
The software detects deviations early, alerting issues before problems or breakdown occurs.
The system works in the background at zero "work" for the employees. It is inexpensive to run, scores are unbiased, and reporting is in real-time.
Communication content is anonymized, stripped of identifiers and the resulting score is added to larger cluster groups. Content is never stored. Index scores can never be traced back to an individual.
Why KeenCorp?